Wednesday, 18 July 2012


This is the Orvillecopter made out of a stuffed dead cat.
W.W.W. Is fun Writing the whole class does on Wednesday this time our teacher Miss Brown found a photo from one of last terms newspapers this is what it was.

So we had twenty minutes to right anything about the Orvillecopter.
This is my story.

"Oh oh left a bit oh no right a bit nearly DAMN that's the wall."
"That didn't work didn't work did it Tiger."

That's the first part of my amazing part of my story hi I'm Orville and I have a dream and that's to fly. I have seen the air planes and the helicopters. So to reach my dream me and my friend Tiger have invented the Orvillecopter. It's great really carbon fibre rotor powered great really. I'll show ya. Ok i'll just get ready whooa ok so i'm up now i'll just do one lap round the kitchen table then i'll come back.

                                                      30 seconds later

Ok i'm back you like it ok see ya next time on.

                                                    Adventures of Orville.


  1. Callum an interesting blog and I will enjoy following it. Not sure about the cat though!!

    1. No it is not a very nice picture.

      But a good story.
