Monday, 30 July 2012

A turn in speeches.

I have had a bit of a turn around in my speeches because I couldn't find any info on people killing Brown Bears. So I have decided to change it to-
 'Why NewZealand should host the 2020 Olympics.
Well why can't the beautiful countryof NZ can't host the Olympic games It is because we NewZealand is a great green country with very friendly people and the ideal place to host the 2020 Olympic games.

These were the topics that I thought of and chose from.
-Why NewZealand should be able to host the 2020 Olympic games.
-That we should learn to read and write before we learn how to use IPads, IPods, Cellphones and Computers. I'm 11 and I have trouble texting but I know how to read and write.
-Why every house in NewZealand should have smoke alarms.
-Why Cellphones are deadly.


  1. Great post Callum. Why did you choose that topic ?

    1. Thanks for commenting Ben. I chose that topic because NZ is a beautiful country.

  2. A very topical speech Callum, I am sure you won't have trouble persuading people you are right!!

  3. Excellent choice Callum, now all you have to do is make it so interesting and then send it to the President of the Olympic Committee who knows they may consider it.

  4. Hi Callum, it's Ollie. You asked me to comment on your blog, so I will. I'm all for NZ hosting the 2020 olympic games as it is REALLY EXCITING having the olympics in your own country.
    Hope to see you again!

    1. Thanks Ollie it would be great for NZ to host the 2020 Olympics.

      Skype soon!!
