Here is my writing about Fair trade.
Child slavery in the Chocolate Industry
Man don’t you love that sweet bar of
Kit-Kat with the nice crunch of biscuit in the middle. Well behind the label it
isn’t so sweet.
Child slavery has been used for years
big company bosses employ them simply because its cheaper. That’s not right! If
children do the work in place of adults they should get paid the same. One of
the biggest cocoa producers the Ivory Coast has up to 200,000 children working
on cocoa plantations alone. Most of these children are working under the worst
form of child slavery. Would you like to send your children to work under these
conditions? These are children from the ages 6-14 working 12 hours a day using
dangerous tools like machetes and they aren’t even getting paid! These kids
should at least have a minimum wage. Some children are forced to work. Other
children get kidnapped straight of there door step. Or the other poor orphans
get sold to companies for no more than $20 US each! That’s not fair humans are
worth more than anything else on this planet!
Some of the cocoa plantations on the
Ivory Coast supply brands like Nestle, Hershey’s and Mars. These companies’
especially Nestlé have been known for using child slavery. I have found out
that Nestle have a factory in the Ivory Coast just down the road from a port.
Doesn’t this tell you something? A brand known for using child slavery having a
factory by a port in a country that has up to 200,000 children working on cocoa
plantations alone! I think these poor children should be at school getting an
education at least.
What would your life be like if you
were one of these poor children?
Well you would wake up at 6.00 am and
be shivering after another cold night in hardly any clothes and bare feet. You
would walk out and grab your machete and start work. Now you have spotted your
first cocoa pod you hold the branch carefully trying not to slip and cut your
arm off. THWAK you slip and cut a massive gash in arm you need medical help.
Your boss has none of it you are still forced to work. You keep working until
6.00 pm, your cut is still bleeding you are starting to feel drowsy so you lie
down on the floor and try get to sleep. All of that just so you can enjoy an
small bar of Kit-Kat. Don’t you feel selfish?
If you want to make a difference buy
fair trade certified goods because they give more money to the producers and
growers and they help build schools and medical centres. Also if you think
Mars, NestlĂ© and Hershey’s should stop using child slavery or you want to help.
Don’t buy their products it’s a simple as that!
By Callum Bryan. YR 8
Here is a sing that also goes with my writing.
Awesome piece on Fair Trade, really made me think.
ReplyDeleteThats good so next time we go shopping you will pay the extra dollar for Fair Trade products.